Investancia Paraguay’s ARR project named ‘Impact Reforestation in the Chaco Project’ has restarted 30-day public comment period for Verra’s CCB Program
Comments are invited from the public about whether the below project meet the requirements of the Climate, Community & Biodiversity Program. Comments received by Verra will be published to the project record on the Verra Registry and must be considered by the project proponent and validation/verification body (VVB).
Impact Reforestation in the Chaco Project
ID: 2496
Program: CCB
Location: Alto Paraguay Department, Paraguay
Project Activity: ARR
Sectoral Scope: 14. AFOLU
Methodology: AR ACM0003
Estimated annual ERRs: 1,991 tCO2e
Estimated benefits over the project lifetime:
This project is open for public comment from 20/12/2023 to 19/01/2024. Any comments received have been uploaded in the “Other Documents” section at Verra. To review their complete Project Documents and submit comments, click here.